Sunday 28 June 2009

DORDOGNE - Saint-Amand-de-Coly

I was actually on my way to the Château de Commarque when I passed the sign for Saint-Amand-de-Coly and the fortified church, and decided to stop by.

The village itself was tiny and I managed to walk through it in just a few minutes. The abbey is impressive more for its size and the thickness of its walls than anything else, as it is fairly simple inside. Priority is given to pedestrians which means there is not much traffic except for residents, so you can explore on foot.

The houses were pretty and reminded me a little of Perouges but on a much smaller scale. I never did find the tobacco drying house and the information point was closed, but there was another shop selling regional produce such as foie gras and various oils and wines, so it was a nice detour.

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